Audiovisability Exhibition coming to an end!
Audiovisability Exhibition (Deaffest May 2017)
Artists talk at #deaffest2017 Wolverhampton May 2017
Top: Rubbena Aurangzeb-Tariq May 2016
Bottom: Lisa Harker May 2016
Exhibition: Deaffest May 2017
Artist: James Buffy Boyle 2016
The Exhibition
You still have time to attend this touring exhibition that is running until 31st May showcasing work from 2016 and funded by the Arts Council. Ruth Montgomery has brought together 16 Deaf artists from a range of disciplines including photography, sculpture and sign-song. Ruth wants to show how Deaf people can interpret and demonstrate music visually (hence the 'Audiovisability' title). You can see the video of me painting my interpretation of different genres of live music on the Audiovisability website under 'Dynamic' and Expressions 1 &2: -
An interesting and revealing experiment for me, despite having the radio playing or other recorded forms of music I have since found that I cannot find the same inspiration and energy to produce work on canvas like I did with the live music. It does not feel the same through technology and the music does not have the same ambience as the live setting. I hope to have further opportunities to work with live musicians, particularly more different genres.